Super Liver Detox 120 capsules

Super Liver Detox 120 capsules


 Liver Detox has been carefully formulated to provide nutrients that work together in different capacities to support healthy liver function and detoxification.
• Choline and methionine are involved in methyl group metabolism, which is essential for normal liver function. Choline, as an integral component of lecithin (phosphatidylcholine), is used for synthesis and maintenance of normal cell membranes. Choline deficiency results in steep increases in serum enzyme markers of liver injury.
• Dandelion has been traditionally used as a detoxifying herb working principally on the liver and gallbladder. This herb is thought to stimulate the elimination of toxins and is one of the strongest cholagogues and choleretics known.
• Milk thistle is rich in flavonoids known collectively as silymarin. Silymarin has also been shown to support healthy liver function under a variety of environmental stress factors such as alcohol consumption and exposure to pollutants and other potentially harmful substances. Silymarin compounds are known for their antioxidant activities preventing damaging lipid peroxidation by excessive free radical levels.
• Artichoke has been used medicinally for centuries. Similar to milk thistle, it is beneficial to the liver as it protects it against environmental and infection-generated toxins. Extracts of artichoke can stimulate the flow of bile from the liver and prevent cholestasis. It also can protect liver cells from oxidative damage. Artichoke’s usefulness in liver support is thought to be due to its content of caffeoylquinic acids, e.g. cynarin, and flavonoids.
• Turmeric has been demonstrated to be a potent antioxidant, and may also provide important support for healthy liver function.
• Broccoli and Wasabia japonica contain naturally occurring compounds that can help stimulate the liver’s normal detoxification pathways. Ingredients such as Eleutherococcus senticosus, echinacea, beta carotene and reishi mushroom can also support a healthy immune system and ensure proper liver function.

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iver Detox may be a useful dietary supplement for individuals wishing to support healthy liver detoxification.

3 capsules contain:
Choline Bitartrate .................................... 1200 mg
Dandelion(leaf) ............................................ 50 mg
Milk thistle(seed) ......................................... 50 mg
Turmeric(root) ............................................. 50 mg
Standardized artichoke ................................ 50 mg
(aerial parts, standardized to 5% cynarine)
L-Methionine ............................................... 15 mg
Proprietary Blend ....................................... 297 mg
Eleutherococcus senticosus(“siberian ginseng,” root), Echinacea(entire plant), broccoli powder(flowering head), Wasabia japonica(rhizome), beta carotene and standardized reishi mushroom extract

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